Rosemary Moodie

Rosemary Moodie
Category / Expertise:
Contact Name: Rosemary Moodie
Title: Doctor
Achievements & Accomplishments:

Dr. Rosemary Moodie graduated from University of West Indies before obtaining post-graduate training in Pediatric Medicine and Neonatology at SickKids in Toronto. She is Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Staff Physician in the Division of Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. While in her role as neonatologist and clinical teacher in Department of Paediatrics, she obtained MBA (Rotman) and MPA (Queens). She is past Medical director & Corporate Chief of Paediatrics of the Regional Maternal Child Program Rouge Valley Health System; Lead for the Maternal, Child, Youth and Gynaecology of the Central East LHIN; and served on regional and provincial committees advocating to improve health equity and expand quality health care access for women and children. She is senior surveyor for Accreditation Canada and consults on health planning of regional health care services and health human resources.

Rosemary contribution to volunteerism, philanthropy and advocacy is extensive. She is Inaugural Board Director, Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital Toronto and Board Director of Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation. Rosemary was past President and Chair, YWCA Toronto, Advisory Board of Food for the Poor Canada, and Board Director P.A.C.E. Canada and Goodwill Toronto. She has been recognized for her significant contributions to improving social inequities and health disparities facing vulnerable members of society by the Government of Jamaica, University of Toronto, City of Toronto, College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario, Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society and Ontario Medical Association.